Defend Your Business with Social Engineering Training

Social engineering has proved to be one of the most prolific & effective means of attacking organisations of all sizes. It is an attack vector that is growing rapidly. Your staff need to be able to identify & defend against attempted attacks. This 2 hour online course equips your staff with the skills to identify & combat social engineering attacks including spear-phishing, vishing and physical impersonation attacks. We follow nationally set standards and best practice to ensure you get the best awareness training possible for your staff.

What You’ll Get with Our Training

With our training, your employees will learn: What social engineering is and its impact on businesses • How to recognize potential attacks • How to handle attacks • Points at which they might be vulnerable • Strategies for reducing risk and increasing protection

Step Into The Shoes Of The Hackers

Students “step into the shoes of the hackers” to understand the principle of adversarial thinking. Students look at intelligence on a fictional company, choose a target and use fictional open source intelligence to write a convincing spear-phishing email that would be opened by their chosen member of staff. This mimics the processes used by professional cyber criminals.

Course Curriculum

  1. 01
    • Welcome to the course!

  2. 02
    • 2.1- Buying a company in Belarus

    • 2.2 - What is Social Engineering?

    • 2.3 - Thinking fast and slow

    • 2.4 - The four social engineering vectors

    • 2.5 - Vishing

    • 2.6 - Vishing call

    • 2.7 - Vishing techniques

    • 2.8 - Impersonation

    • 2.9 - Impersonation video

    • 2.10 - Phishing

    • 2.11 - Smishing

    • 2.12 - Why it works

    • 2.13 - Test your learning

  3. 03
    • 3.1 - Osint (Open Source Intelligence)

    • 3.2 - Choosing a target

    • 3.3 - Vishing Call to Right Match Singles

    • 3.4 - What makes a good human target?

    • 3.5 - The target has been chosen: Jessica Jackson

    • 3.6- Jessica Jackson

    • 3.7 -Jessica Jackson (OSINT)

    • 3.8 -Jessica Jackson (Attack!)

    • 3.9 - The backup plan: get into the office

    • 3.10 - Exercise: how would you get into the Right Match Singles office?

    • 3.11 - The attack is complete

  4. 04
    • 4.1 - Reality check

    • 4.2 - Adversarial thinking

    • 4.3 - End of course quiz

    • 4.4 - Outrunning a bear!

    • 4.5 - Social Engineering Resources

Start Protecting Your Business

Contact us today to arm your team with the knowledge they need to defend against social engineering attacks.


  • Who is the course for?

    This is an awareness level course suitable for all company staff and has been designed to be practical and easily understood by anyone. Our clients often employ it to provide their “high risk” staff with more in-depth training.

  • How long is the course?

    The course takes about two hours to complete including exercises and end of course quiz.

  • How much does the course cost?

    Course costs depend on number of students enrolled, with a 10 student minimum. Contact us for pricing and course customisation options.

  • Do students get a certificate?

    Students get a certificate of completion to evidence their training. This benefits their CPD and demonstrates your commitment to cyber security both to your clients & the ICO under the GDPR.

  • What is the difference between cyber security training & social engineering training?

    Social engineering is one of the largest cyber attack vectors being used. Your human firewall (your staff) need to be able to identify & defend against attempted attacks to protect the company & themselves. Social engineering is a huge part of cyber security. Your I.T team should focus on the technical parts of cyber security & your staff should focus on social engineering threats.